
Life Transition Challenges

Have you ever felt like you need a transition in life but do not know what you want or how to make these changes? If you are unhappy about where you are in life and struggling with life transition challenges, you are not alone. Many people hit roadblocks now and then in their lives. The key to overcoming life transition challenges is how we cope with them.


What is a life transition?

Life transitions are the periods in an individual’s life when changes take place. These transitions can be positive or negative, and may be planned or unplanned. Life transition challenges tend to coincide with important events such as: death of a loved one, getting married, divorce, having a baby, relocation, changing careers, buying a house, or being involved in an accident. Significant events may bring about anxiety, stress, and a level of uncertainty when our lives are disrupted. These changes force us to let go of what feels familiar to adjust to something which is new and unfamiliar.


Re-evaluating our lives

It is common for people to struggle with adjusting to new life changes as it can be quite distressing and emotional. Individuals may feel many different emotions and this can be rather overwhelming. During periods around significant life events, people may stop to re-evaluate their lives and ask themselves questions around their successes and where they are going in life. We may become disappointed in ourselves when we realise that we have not met our expectations of what we thought our lives would be.  


Therapy for change

If your life transition challenges are leading to anxiety, stress, and depression, then it may be time to seek professional help. Your therapist can help you explore coping mechanisms to deal with your current adjustment challenges. Big life changes can bring about stress. If you know that you do not cope well with major life changes then it may be helpful to speak to a therapist about these changes before they occur. In this way, you will be more prepared to face the potential challenges in the future.

Life Challenges FAQ

What is the best therapy for Life Transition Challenges?

There are a number of different types of talk therapies to tackle life transition challenges. A therapist may help you identify and cope with the uncomfortable feelings that come with life changes, and may help you explore coping strategies and techniques to deal with impending life transitions and stresses.


How do I know I need therapy for Life Transition challenges?
If you find that you are struggling with overwhelming anxiety or stress, and your daily functioning (i.e. personal, academic/work, and social functioning) is being affected by particular life transition issues, then it may be time to seek therapy.


How much does Life Transition therapy cost?

There is a wide range when it comes to how much a therapist will charge per session. Therapists typically charge between $80 to $160, however some may charge up to $200 per 50-minute session. Some therapists offer a sliding scale fee depending on an individual’s financial abilities and income level. Contact me if you are having financial problems and need to find out about my Sliding Scale.