
Frequently Asked Questions

What is psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy or “therapy” as it is often abbreviated, is a range of treatments which are used to explore an individual’s psychology in further depth. It often involves “talk therapy” where an individual’s distress is relieved through discussing and expressing their feelings, changing engrained behaviours and habits which may no longer serve the individual with the aim of promoting more constructive ways of coping with their difficulties.


What does having a “good fit” with your therapist mean? How will I know we’re a good fit?

A trusting relationship is key to successful therapy. Having a good fit with your therapist means that you feel comfortable and safe enough to talk with them to work through your personal struggles. Note that a therapist is not your friend – and not “someone who I can hang out with”. A good therapist is someone who makes you feel safe; someone with whom you can have a collaborative relationship to work through your problems; and also someone who will be able to challenge your unhelpful assumptions, beliefs, and relationship patterns even when it feels uncomfortable to hear it.


I’m a bit anxious about starting therapy. How does it work?

Psychotherapy typically starts with booking an intake session. This session is introductory in nature and provides a helpful space where we get to meet each other online (i.e. we get to place a name with a face) and we discuss how therapy works, and my therapeutic approach. It is also an information gathering session where I will ask you questions about why you are seeking therapy, what presenting concerns you have, and other background information so that I can get to know you better. In subsequent sessions after that, we work towards the goals of therapy (ones that you have identified). Along the way, you may discover that your goals have changed, or we may discover new related goals which you might not have identified at the outset. This gives you an idea of the dynamic and fluid nature of therapy.


How do I know if online therapy is for me?

The decision to seek online therapy is yours to make. In deciding whether it is the right choice for you, listed below are some of the benefits to seeking online therapy over traditional in-person therapy:

  • Comfort: online therapy may be suited to you if you feel uncomfortable attending in-person therapy, and would prefer to have sessions in the comfort of your own home.
  • Convenience: online therapy is more convenient than in-person sessions, especially if you live very far away or have accessibility/mobility issues.
  • Busy work schedule: online therapy may be beneficial for you if you have a very busy work-life schedule and cannot block off time for attending in-person sessions.


Please note that due to the ongoing pandemic, many mental health professionals have continued to offer online therapy due to public health care concerns.


How many therapy sessions do I need?

The frequency with which you attend therapy sessions depends on the nature and severity of the problems that you are experiencing. Typically, short-term therapy lasts 12 sessions or less, and is directed at specific problems, such as: conflicts and communication issues at work, managing stress, parenting, etc. If your issues are more complicated, chronic, and longstanding, then long-term therapy may be more beneficial.


How does confidentiality work? 

All of our communication becomes part of your clinical record, and this is kept strictly confidential. However, there are limits to confidentiality, especially in instances where disclosure is permitted or required by law.

Please note that the limits of confidentiality will be discussed in further detail during the intake session.


How do I access the video counselling link?

Once your consultation session has been confirmed, I will send you an email with the details on how to access the secure video platform and provide you with a video counselling link. To ensure that there will be no technological glitches during the video counselling session, make sure that you have checked the following:

Ensuring that your WiFi network connection is strong enough to hold a video call.

Ensuring that your technological device that you are using (i.e. laptop, desktop computer, or tablet) has the latest version of Google Chrome, Safari, or Firefox web-browsers.


Do I have insurance coverage for psychotherapy services?

Counselling and psychotherapy services are not covered by OHIP. However, fees may be partially or fully covered by extended health care plans or private insurance (if you have a benefits plan through your work). Please check ahead of time with your insurance provider to confirm whether your plan covers services for Registered Psychotherapists and Registered Psychologists.